
Category Archives: Daily Life Problems

art of living and dying

Today I’m going to tell you the art of living and dying well and the things that you must do before you die. We learn many arts in life but forget the real arts, the art of living and dying well.

The art of living and dying well

We learn many arts in life but nothing is worth learning if you don’t know the real arts, the art of living and dying. All of your arts are meaningless to learn because they are only useful before you die. But the greatest truth of life is ‘death’ and when it comes to you, then what you will do? You don’t have any art. You have nothing to do except dying painfully.

No one teaches you the art of living and dying. Everyone tries to hide it and want to escape from it. We neglect death and do not even want to remember it. We have kept the death in darkness.

art of living happiness program

The most certain thing in our life is death. There is nothing so much certain than death, and no one can ever escape from it.

Everything that exists in this universe can be non-exist too. Whatsoever has a birth, it dies too. Death is just behind birth. We cannot say that a man was born and didn’t die.

The most basic art that everyone must know is the art of living and dying. We are living an uncertain life surrounded by death. We cannot escape from it.

the art of dying and living life

There are only a few people who know the art of living and dying. And that is the greatest art because that is the culmination of life. If you miss death, you have missed your whole life. You will be thrown back into the womb again because you will have to learn and go through the whole process again.

If you failed, then you have to go through the same class again. And the only way to pass is to die so consciously and peacefully that there is no fear in you. Your consciousness must not fade away, consciously you should detach the body seeing your own death – that is the great art of living.

Things to do before you die

You should do something to attain the art of living and dying for a better life, pleasure, bliss, peace, and happiness. You cannot attain it by becoming brave and bold. Unless you know that there is something deathlessness in you, it is impossible to achieve it. You are ignorant about that deathlessness but it is always there and it is your witnessing consciousness. Moreover, you will become aware of witnessing consciousness only after few days of Meditation. Also, you can say meditation is the only way to attain it.


First, you should do a simple meditation that is watching the breath. It is continuously going in and going out. You just need to watch and feel your breath. Then you will become aware that you are not the body and not even the breath. You are the one who is watching the breath, the consciousness a watcher who never dies.

art of living

The moment we know the witness, we become immortals. The best and easiest way to know the witness consciousness is through watching the inhaling and exhaling breath because breath is the bridge that joins the body to the soul.

When you watch the breath, you are different than the breath. Something you can watch cannot be you, it’s different than you.

You are so much connected to the breath that you assume I’m the breathing and when it stops, I will die. But it’s false, breathing helps to keep alive the body and perform its functions well. It’s just the act of taking oxygen and throwing out carbon dioxide.

When you realize your witnessing consciousness is different from breathing, you become immortal. Then the breathing doesn’t matter for you whether isn’t running or not. You jumped into a new dimension beyond the breathing. You started to remain apart from the breathing and now you can watch it but you are not it.

You usually think I’m the body and when the breathing stops, I’m gone. Mentally you adhere to the body and the breathing. You are conscious and remain in deep sleep. This sleep has to be destroyed and should remain watchful to everything and lastly to the breath and thoughts too.

This is not a sudden process. Sudden is really difficult. Firstly, you can remain watchful to your every activity like eating, drinking, walking, talking, dancing, seeing, etc. then after you should try to be watchful to the things like breathing and thoughts.

You can watch things only when you are apart from them. If you are able to remain apart and watchful to the breathing and the thoughts, then you are no longer the same person and no one can kill you ever.

You can do these watchful meditation techniques for the best results twenty-four seven in a day or night. By closing eyes and sitting in a lotus posture is not the only way to meditate effectively. You can do meditation twenty-four seven.

Don’t sleep in each and every instant, and also, don’t involve yourself in any events and relationships because these are only bodily relationships. But you are not the body and living the whole life assuming something is different as I am the worst thing that can ever happen in life. It’s just a wastage of life and totally lie or false. There is no point in living such false life because you are not what you are assuming.

You are consciousness and witness where worldly miseries can never ever touch you. You remain like a steady flame of light in each and every aspect of life.

Yes, you can play a bodily role to the people of the world but you will know that I’m different and unique, just awareness.

When you continue this simple 24/7 mediation, you remain full of joyous, ecstasy, and bliss. You start living life a totally different way and can remain 24/7 high without any intoxications and drugs.

living happiness

You start seeing a glimpse of deathlessness and timelessness in you. This is real-life without any anxiety, tensions, stress, depression, misery, and troubles. Life cannot give you misery, it’s is natural, spontaneous, blissful, full of joyous and pleasures but we attach to the world and die in the race with misery and troubles.

Now, there is no more death for you. You remain in the body but you are not the body and the mind. You can leave the body so consciously and peacefully seeing your own so-called death (stopping of breath). You will see your own death that you are detaching from the body but still, you are there.

This is the real art of living life & dying well. Now, you can save your life from being ruined and enjoy 24/7 bliss and pleasure without any stress and problems.

How to calm anxiety attack

You do not need to worry about anything related to anxiety attacks and anxiety disorder. Today I will show you some permanent methods to stop anxiety attacks. You need to go deeper inside the problem to understand the cause of anxiety. Here’s how to calm anxiety attack naturally fast:

Top 6 tips to stop anxiety attack quickly:

  • Get enlightened to live and stop an anxiety attack.
  • To be worried about something is just foolish.
  • Remain watchful to every moment.
  • Become an actor in life and stop anxiety attacks.
  • Getting the no-mind is your goal to stop anxiety attacks.
  • Do regular exercise to get rid of anxiety attacks.

1. Get enlighted & calm an anxiety attack

There is nothing to be worried about in life because everything is flowing in its way; you cannot interfere with the things that are happening to your life. You are just a watcher of the happening. If something occurs well, then It’s right for you, and something happens terrible, then it’s awful for you. It’s just your mind’s interpretation; things were always neutral, but the mind seeks profits on it and, if it finds, then interprets it as good.

So, become a watcher of every incidence, remain unstirred on every problem. This is the way of living a life.

If you live your life in this way, then there is no anxiety disorder, stress, and depression in your life. This is the easiest way to get rid of any kind of mental disorder and mental illness.

2. To be worried about something is just a foolish

Your happiness and anxiety don’t impact anyone. You are being worried unnecessarily. You are just a visitor to the planet earth for a few days. Don’t waste your life for someone else by just being anxious.

Nothing is permanent in this universe; everything that exists is pre-declared non-exist. Every second, everything is changing continuously, and it’s the law of nature. No one can stop changing because nature is a change; it cannot be nature if nothing changes. In this phenomenon, if something adverse to your expectation and ease happens, you become worried and anxious which may lead to anxiety attacks.

3. Remain watchful to every moment

Our mind never stops; it continues working even in the dream. Scientists have concluded after the research of many years that the dream in the brain stops for 3 to 15 minutes in the whole night’s sleep and the rest of the time we always dream.

The best solution to “how to calm anxiety attack” is just to remain watchful to each and every moment of your life. Don’t get identified with the incidences. Maintain a distance between you and the incidences. Remain watchful but don’t participate in them. Something good or bad it’s a part of life, you have to accept it but shouldn’t be identified with them because they are meaningless.

4. Become an actor in life

Don’t take your life seriously. Life should be a joy and ecstasy. We have made life more complicated. We are in the rat race; we do the same as the crowd does. No one is happy in life except for some enlightened persons. Money cannot give you happiness, nor the liqueur and drugs can provide. It’s all the way to hide the misery. But the hiding is not the solution; we have to dig deeper into the problem.

Become a real actor in life rather than in a movie. By acting in a film cannot transform your life, but being an actor in life can make your life transmuted in a new direction to a more considerable height. Your every relationship and attachment are nothing more than the accessories of the mind. All your links and connections to somebody are the product of the brain.

Remember one thing that you are always alone. Even if your mother and father give birth to you, they cannot know you and make you accompanied. They were just a path from where you came, and the road can’t know a walker. You live alone, and you die alone. But we always afraid of loneliness, so we still love a crowd and society. We cannot stay alone, even for a few days.

Life is a real movie for you, start acting anytime in your life. You will become a new person if you start acting on your whole life. Don’t get identified to the shots and the events of life. They are just a dream which vanishes after a few moments. For those moments which are just dreams, and crying for it is just foolish.

5. Getting the no-mind is your goal

Meditation plays a vital role to stop anxiety attacks. Meditation gives you the ultimate pleasure of life. You will never become worried and anxious if you continue meditation for a month. Meditation should be your part of life.

Getting no-mind is your goal and going beyond the mind of your very nature. We have gone out of the harmony in our very nature, and meditation helps you to stop anxiety attacks and to get a bounceback in life.

When you acheive this no-mind goal, then you remain without anxiety and depression very quickly.

6. Do regular exercise

Regular exercise alleviates chronic anxiety and reduces the frequency and severity of panic attacks. Every day in the morning you should exercise for at least 30 minutes. Exercise helps you to stop anxiety attacks and regulates the functions of the body.

Regular exercise increases the blood circulation to each and every cell of the body and maintains the hormonal balance of the body. Your moods and happiness all are the game of the hormones of the body. When dopamine releases into the body, you feel so happy. Happiness does not come from outside. It just comes from chemical locha.